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Mastering Your World Through Frequencies Podcast

Revealing hidden truths about how the world actually works, so you can optimize your reality.

Most Recent Episodes

Episode 161: Staying True to You— Not Falling Prey to Power Dynamics

There are many ways that people can influence others, from language patterns, emotional tone and resonance, understanding of human psychology, but there are 2 ways that influence can be exerted very powerfully over others that aren’t talked about very often.

If you’re not mindful of these two things, you can easily give away your power to those wielding them, without even realizing it, diminishing your own power and corroding your own sense of who you are.

Today, we’re discussing Staying True to You – Not Falling Prey to Power Dynamics so you can avoid being unwittingly caught up in power dynamics.

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Episode 160: Discovering Your Best Self — Self Empowerment & Free Will

Did you know that becoming your best self has more to do with cultivating a sense of Self that most people don’t even know exists?
When we are mired in the little “s”elf, or the self identified with the ego/mind, who we think we are is very much defined by lack and what we wished we had or wished we were. As we start to shift our perspective to the big “S”elf by releasing distortion patterns, who we think we are changes. We start to experience our true self, and along with it, greater and greater free will.

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Quiet Your Mind Chatter


Episode 158: Learning From Mistakes

For many people the after effects of having made a mistake can last for days, weeks and sometimes even years! Lots of us won’t explore new possibilities or opportunities because we’re still caught in the distortions of feeling shame for past mistakes or the fear of making a mistake.
Learn what causes the fear of making mistakes from spirit perspective and how to shift from fear into taking advantage of the potential of the learning opportunities that mistakes can provide.

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Episode 157: The Key To Living Life With Confidence

Many of us can feel that lack of confidence keeps us from being able to live our lives as fully as we’d like to, or keeps us from opportunities, relationships and experiences that we’d love to have. In this episode we discuss what causes us to lack confidence, the key to living your life with confidence, and how to access a deeper form of confidence that isn’t dependent on your sense of certainty about your abilities, the outcome, or your external circumstances.

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Episode 156: Upgrades – Why Settle For A Lump Of Coal When You Can Have A Diamond

Did you know that we can be upgraded? Much like an app can be upgraded so it’s faster, more efficient and has better functionality, we can be bumped up significantly in our frequency resonance, which changes who and what shows up in our reality, what information we can intuitively receive, how much abundance, synchronicity and magic we can experience. In this episode, we talk about what an upgrade is, how it may be experienced, what it can shift for you, and how it’s possible to not even know that you’re having one!

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Episode 155: Making Some Serious Lemonade – Strengthening Through Detox

Did you know that what you experience as detox is really your body adapting to higher level frequencies? What does it mean to go through this integration period, how do we make the most of it and how do we best move through and beyond it?

Whether you’re new to frequency work or you’ve had a lot more experience with it, integration or detox can seem really overwhelming unless you know why it’s happening, what NOT to do and how to move through it more smoothly.

The GFC will help you begin to release the distortion patterns that can hold us in detox for longer than we need to be there.

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Episode 154: The 5 Most Important Things About Frequency Work

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a total newbie, knowing the 5 most important things about frequency work offers a “big picture” perspective of frequency work that can give important context to the journey. Sometimes it’s important to take a step back and look at that greater context because it can be really easy to get so focused on the problems or challenges we’re trying to resolve that we can forget the big picture of what is possible.

If you’ve been wanting to share frequency work with a friend but you’re not sure what to tell them it’s all about, this episode would be a great one to share!

The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration®) at the end will help you begin to pick up more momentum so you can have more of these five critical things!

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Episode 153: Upleveling The Pain Body

Our pain bodies, which originally had a very specific useful function have become distorted with lower, denser frequencies such as non-worthiness, scarcity, control (and things like that) when they’re activated. In this episode, we address what the pain body is, why it gets triggered and how you can not only gain distance from it but also make it your ally.

Thw GFC will help you begin to release the distortion patterns that can keep your pain body agitated and in the drama it creates.

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Episode 152: What’s The Deal With Past Lives

Have you heard the term “past lives” before and wondered how that all works? Past lifetimes can have such a profound impact on us in this lifetime, even if people aren’t aware that they exist.

In this episode we’re peeking behind the curtain of the illusion and discuss how past lives work, how they’re actually not really “past” at all, and how we can resolve issues from past lives that create stumbling blocks for us in our current lifetime.

The GFC will begin to help you begin to access the Eternal Now which is the point from which you can access all the past lifetimes and resolve the distortion patterns that are negatively impacting this current lifetime.

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Episode 151: The Foundation Of The Reality – Zero Point Of Space & Time

Did you know that there is a specific point where you’re the most stable, and have the most potential for spiritual acceleration, resolution, release and abundance?

In this episode we dive deep into the Zero Point Of Space & Time – what this is and why it’s mission critical for mastering this reality.

The GFC after the discussion will help you begin to release the distortion patterns that prevent you from coming into the Zero Point, which often can result in feeling stuck, frustrated and not in the place you’d like to be.

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Episode 150: The Journey To Awakening With An Intimate Partner

In almost 3 decades of intimate partnership, Karen and Chris have witnessed massive transformation — in themselves and in each other. As they’ve risen in frequency resonance, each partner’s views on intimate partnership, and their experiences of being in one, have shifted dramatically.In this episode, Karen and Chris share their individual takes on various aspects of intimate partnership. They answer several listener and client questions around this topic. The frequency work that happens at the end in the GFC will help to begin to shift the distortion patterns that can keep us from having the intimate partnership we hope for—whether we’re in relationship or not.

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Episode 149: Overcoming The Empty Well Of Loneliness

Have you ever had a lonely, empty feeling when it’s been a while since you’ve been with others? In this episode, we’re discussing loneliness from a spirit-level perspective: what causes it, how to overcome it, and how to embrace ourselves so fully that we simply don’t feel alone, even when we’re not around others. The frequency work that happens at the end in the GFC will help you to begin to release the distortion patterns that cause you to feel lonely, whether you’re alone or with others.

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Episode 148: Transcending Challenge & Suffering

Life involves challenges. In meeting those challenges, some people get bogged down in suffering while others thrive. What determines that? In this episode, we talk about shifting perspectives, moving beyond suffering, and using challenge as a way to accelerate. The frequency work happens at the end in the GFC, which will help you to begin to release the distortion patterns that keep you mired in the lack of momentum to transcend challenge.

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Episode 147: The Foundation of the Illusion

Episode 147: The Foundation of the Illusion

Space and time are the fundamental coordinates that anchor the illusion of our shared reality. This episode is all about space: what it means to be spatially aware, how that helps us move into what Karen refers to as the “zero point,” and the potential impact we can have when we’re centered in the zero point of space. Frequency work will help you start clarifying spatial referencing and recognize when you’re not properly centered into the zero point.

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