Transform your life from black & white to full color
From scarcity
richness & abundance
From slogging struggle
magical alignment
It’s not about mindset
It’s not about beliefs
Finally discover the absolute truth of
who you are
What is Living Your Brilliance®?
Living Your Brilliance® is a dynamic, monthly program, designed specifically to consistently raise your frequency resonance.
Refining and raising your resonance is the single most important thing you can do to live your best life because it dictates EVERYTHING.
How awesome your life feels. Your level of abundance. The depth of your connection with others. The scope of positive impact you have. How strongly you’re aware of your innate connection to Source. How much confidence you have, even when you’re scared.
Whether (or not) you awaken in this lifetime—it IS possible!
Look, you can’t listen to one Group Frequency Calibration® and call it a day. You wouldn’t go to the gym once and expect to drop 20 pounds and have ripped abs as a result of going that one time, would you? Same with your resonance.
The world is chaotic, polarized—and heavy with distortion. Living Your Brilliance® is designed to keep you moving upwards in your frequency resonance, so YOUR experience is of the brilliance of YOU and the brilliance and magic of life. Whatever’s happening in the world around you.
When you discover, experience and live your brilliance you’ll:
Discover your ability to glide through challenge. To deepen your self-awareness so you can target more clearly what keeps you stuck and use it as fuel to rise higher.
No more getting sucked in and pulled down by all the noise and negativity. You’ll be better able to navigate tumultuous times, and feel waaayyy better doing it.
Twice a week remember and experience the magic of life and clarify your awareness of your connection to Source. The most potent you time. Ever.
How does Living Your Brilliance® work?
Living Your Brilliance® is less talk, more frequency work. More rise in your frequency resonance.
It’s 6 (six) approximately 30-minute sessions a week, twice a week, 3 weeks in a row.
It’s the perfect balance to catch you before your resonance drops too much if something’s really up in the collective. And just as importantly to keep up that momentum of your frequency resonance rising.

The powerful net effect of stopping the downswing before it starts combined with the upward propulsion of entraining to the highest frequency resonance, means that you have the greatest momentum possible.

“LYB is my spiritual practice, food for the soul and a roadmap to navigate being a human in challenging times.”
Kilkenny, Ireland

“I am less impacted, if at all, by the winds of time and the fickleness of people's actions, able to recognize my own sovereignty and hold my space.”
San Miguel de Allende, GTO, Mexico

“When you participate in LYB, you will have the tools and internal state to navigate not only this CRAZY time on the planet, but also some of the most challenging situations you may still want to ignore or run away from.”
San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
Before each session, I tap into the mastermind for what will serve it the most in terms of releasing sticky distortion patterns and raising your frequency resonance.

“Every session we have feels like it's tailored specifically to my needs, quite spooky honestly. I feel it's the most powerful program for me and without it I would feel pretty lost in this world.”
Halifax, N.S., Canada

“The subject matter is always spot on, and it’s like Karen’s addressing exactly what I need. I don’t know how she does that!”
Cheviot, South Island, New Zealand

“I love that LYB feels like I'm getting personal attention AND that I am part of a larger group field.”
Mosier, OR, U.S.A.
Before we begin each session, I give greater context for what’s happening in the much bigger picture of the quantum and frequency level. The reason why things are really happening.

“I love the brief description on what is happening in the collective because it's typically right on what I'm feeling at the moment and this gives me context. Especially when I'm feeling off!"
Ukiahh, CA, U.S.A.

“I found it very reassuring that Karen described the energies at the moment and it soothed me to know what I was experiencing was real.”
Miena, TAS, Australia

“I love the messages Karen gives at the beginning, particularly if it's about something affecting the collective that may mirror my own experience. It's validating to hear that, that I'm not alone in my experience and that there's a bigger reason for what I'm experiencing.”
Oakland, CA, U.S.A.
Is Living Your Brilliance® right for me?
If you want to feel alive, deeply connected, like you have real forward momentum, and want to contribute to the rise in consciousness in yourself and to create a ripple effect for others, then YES! Living Your Brilliance® is for you.
If you can’t make it to every session live, that’s OK! You’ll receive audio replays of the sessions so you can listen to them on your own time. Remember you can listen when you’re walking the dogs, cooking or even out for a run!
If you’re ready to look at your life and think “Holy moly, I’m so grateful my life feels this freaking awesome,” Living Your Brilliance was made for you.

Living Your Brilliance® On Tap Monthly
Thinking to yourself that you could use this EVERY month? Especially with how crazy things are right now?
I’ve got you.
Subscribe and save 5%. PLUS you’ll get free instant access to a powerful bonus—the Living Your Brilliance intensive workshop.
In this 3+ hour workshop I dive deep into what your brilliance is and what it gives you access to, what to look out for that hijacks your access to your brilliance, and 3 key strategies to raise your frequency resonance yourself when you can feel it dropping, so you can limit that drop and access your brilliance more quickly and fully.
Most importantly, you’ll get access to potent GFCs to turbo boost your awareness and experience of your brilliance—setting you up to get the most out of the live Living Your Brilliance monthly.
Not sure it’s gonna be right for you? Not to worry! After the first month, you can cancel any time.
When does Living Your Brilliance® start?
Living Your Brilliance is a dynamic monthly program that begins around the first of the month depending on when the first Monday or Thursday of the month is.
$185.25 USD /mth
Subscribe & Save
5% Off Monthly Price +
FREE LYB Intensive ($195 value)
Cancel any time after the 1st month