The idea that our thoughts create our reality is a common belief. But is it really true? In this episode, Karen and Tia discuss the power of our thoughts. Frequency work will begin to help you release the distortion patterns that are creating habitual negative thought.
Regardless of how long you’ve been doing frequency work, building a strong foundation requires that you master the basics. In this episode, Karen answers some frequently asked questions to provide clarity around fundamental concepts of frequency work.
Having a reverence for things that happened in the past is a common sentiment — and it tends to become stronger in times of change and uncertainty. What dynamics are at play when we yearn for the past? In this episode, Karen and Tia discuss what glorifying the past is really about and offer some tips on empowering your present. Frequency work will help you begin to release any time loops to the past so you can bring yourself more into the present moment of linear time.
For many people who do frequency work, one of the major benefits of releasing heavy distortion patterns is the chance to have an embodied experience of their own brilliance. This is a game-changer for how we move through everyday life. In the couple of years that Spherical Luminosity community member Susie has been doing frequency work, her experience of life has shifted dramatically. In this interview, she and Karen discuss some key moments in her spiritual journey, and Susie shares the story of how frequency work played a role in helping her rediscover her brilliance.
As humans, we are all individuated aspects of the divine. Cultivating an awareness of this fact is the first step toward accessing true abundance, magic, and gratitude for life. In this episode, we discuss what our brilliance is, the benefits of living from that place, why it’s critical at this time, and how to move into it. Frequency work will help you to begin to release the distortion patterns that prevent you from being aware of or connecting with your brilliance.
There’s one relationship that’s more important than all the rest, and it’s a massive steppingstone into the new consciousness. Find out what this relationship is, why it’s so critical, and how to experience it for yourself. Frequency work will help you have the momentum to be aware of and start to release some of these horrible distortion patterns.
How much of your identity is defined by something external to you — your relationships, job, hobbies or money? If those things were taken away, would you face an identity crisis? In this episode, we’re discussing the consequences of a fuzzy sense of self, and detailing the steps you can take to firmly root yourself in an unshakable knowing of who you truly are. Frequency work will help you begin to internally clarify and strengthen who you truly are.
Surrender: It’s one of the most important ingredients in the recipe for awakening, and our ability to rise in resonance hinges on how fully we can embody it. In this episode, we discuss the importance and numerous benefits of surrender. Frequency work is crucial in moving into deeper levels of surrender, where you’ll find more magic, synchronicity, and freedom.
From an outsider’s perspective, it can seem obvious that cults are manipulative and oppressive. It can be hard to understand how members get drawn in. In this episode, Karen talks with Veronica, who was born into a cult and left at age 16. Their conversation explores life inside the cult experience, the struggles many former cult members face after leaving, and the frequency dynamics at play on spirit level.
Since the dawn of humanity, a specific set of distortion patterns has been a fundamental part of the human experience. In this episode, we discuss what these patterns are, how they impact our lives, and how to eliminate them with the help of frequency work so you can have an embodied experience of your full brilliance.
Most of the great thought leaders are guided and inspired by something more than the mind — they use their intuitive impulse. Today, we’re discussing the fine art of following one’s intuition: what to look out for, how to cultivate it, and the discipline required to sharpen our awareness of it. The frequency work in the free GFC will help you to discern what is real intuition and help you to begin to trust and cultivate it.
In doing frequency work, there are key things that allow us to experience the most change in our frequency resonance and our reality. Confirming the removal of our distortion patterns is one thing, coming into coherence is another — and in this episode, we’re discussing a third thing. Without this piece of the puzzle, we get stuck spinning around at the same resonance without really advancing.
Karen has been hearing from a lot of parents whose kids are going through a difficult time right now. In this episode, we’re addressing some of these issues to facilitate an understanding of the challenges kids are currently facing.
Because she feels this is an important community service, the GFC (Group Frequency Calibration®) at the end is a full length 30-minute GFC to help both kids and parents recalibrate, find their centers and navigate this intense time together even better.
Without releasing these distortion patterns and without being in the zero point of space and time it can be easy for things to spiral into a scary place.
Many of us want to achieve our goals and go further faster. But as you ascend, there are spaces between levels of growth that few are aware of — and resisting these spaces causes stalling and prevents growth. In this episode, learn how to honor these spaces and make the most out of them. The free Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) at the end will begin to help you to release the distortion patterns which prevent you from entering these spaces.
In last week’s episode, Karen dipped into the Spherical Luminosity mailbag and started answering our most commonly asked questions. This week, we’re picking up where we left off. No matter how long you’ve been doing frequency work, this episode will help you gain a deeper mental understanding of how this all works. Don’t miss the most important part of the episode, which is the Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) at the end. It will help give you even more momentum to confirm the removal of the distortion patterns.
Individual, private sessions where Karen can specifically address your distortion patterns and answer individual questions
Very helpful for refining and accelerating in specific areas where you are stuck
Can have more specificity, but lacks the benefit of the momentum of a group session, especially when you’re just beginning and don’t have that much momentum yet on your own because of the heaviness of the distortion patterns
We have found you can gain momentum and accelerate significantly more quickly if you use IFCs in tandem with group work
Anywhere from 30-60 minutes in length (at your option)
How often you want these is determined by what you intuitively feel guided to. Karen will not determine this for you
Prior to your first IFC, we strongly recommend that you watch/listen to at least Episodes 1 and 2 (Frequency Work Fundamentals Parts 1 & 2) of the video/podcast series “Mastering Your World Through Frequencies” and listen to the free GFCs at the end. And if you want even more of a head start, so you can make more progress in your IFC, you can listen to one or more of the foundational GFCs or Deep Dives, available in the Products section of the website, prior to your IFC (for a complete list of these, refer to the New To This section of the website). This will allow Karen to focus on more advanced issues, allowing you to move faster in your IFC
$150 for 30 minutes, $225 for 45 minutes, $300 for 60 minutes (+4% HI state tax)
Weekly Video/Podcast + Free GFC
The interview gives you a mental framework and understanding of why the topic is important
At the end of each video, the free Group Frequency Calibrations (GFCs) harness the power of the mastermind to help begin to clear the distortion patterns of the particular topic
These free GFCs help people begin to address the surface level distortion patterns, which for some, will catalyze enormous change. For those participants for whom the particular topic is particularly charged or challenging we recommend doing further work through additional GFCs, Deep Dives, or IFCs in order to go deeper to release more entrenched, deep running patterns that are stickier in those challenging areas
This is a great beginning and it’s free!
The links below are to the video. If you want to listen to the PODCAST, reference the episode number to the left of the title.
Emergence – The Accelerated Mastermind Experience
Given exclusively at live events
Karen gives a GFC to the group and simultaneously gives individual hands-on work to the participants
This is the way to receive the specificity of individual work AND the momentum of the mastermind for unparalleled acceleration
Participation limited to a maximum of 8-12 individuals depending on the topic and length of the live event
Master Classes
These are topics which although they are being taught intellectually require a certain frequency level for the participant to be at in order to be understood and experienced. These classes use a two-pronged approach to foster growth both at the mental and spirit levels
There is a teaching component where Karen will speak more in depth about the topic, and teach strategies or tactics for greater integration on the mental level which can seed the future possibility of mastery on the frequency level
The frequency work included in these classes is designed to accelerate participants on frequency/spirit level so they can have an experiential knowingness rather than simply a surface level intellectual understanding
These are closed once registration is complete (meaning that they are not sold as products after the completion of the class), and the masterminds move at an even more accelerated pace than the Deep Dives. The experience is deeper, more efficient and more powerful because the mastermind meets 4-5 times in a row. The resulting momentum is significantly greater than that of a Deep Dive
Meant for people who have a solid base in frequency work and are stable enough on spirit level in order to be able to handle the level of frequency work being given without massive detox
For certain topics that require very advanced work and involve particularly high frequencies, the Master Classes are by application only to ensure that the mastermind is sufficiently highly resonating, and that the participants are stable enough to not be further distorted by the class
Each class is 1 hour.
$249 for a four-part Master Class (+4% HI state tax)
Deep Dive
A series of 3 GFCs on a particular topic
Because we are going super deep on a topic, much older, more intense and often more entrenched frequencies can be accessed and removed
Because the mastermind meets three times in a row there is exponentially more momentum on spirit level and the frequency level that is accessed is much higher, providing greater acceleration on spirit level in addition to more clearing more quickly
The increase in momentum is HUGE in a Deep Dive (versus a one-part GFC) and is difficult to quantify in words
Each of the three sessions is approximately 35-45 minutes in length
$59 for all three sessions (+4% HI state tax)
GFC (Group Frequency Calibration)
Group sessions with multiple participants focusing on clearing distortion patterns related to a particular topic
People can participate live in “real time” or can listen to the recording. It’s equally effective either way (see explanation below about how this works)
The power of the mastermind, which is the coming together of the higher selves of the people in the mastermind, for the highest purpose (i.e. to be aware of our connection to Pure Source even more), creates a powerful momentum that is very difficult to generate individually. Karen harnesses this momentum to help her remove the distortion patterns around this topic