how we roll

Mastering Your World Through Frequencies Podcast

Revealing hidden truths about how the world actually works, so you can optimize your reality.

Episode 114: Travel – The Opportunity of the Unfamiliar

Travel allows us access to different cultures, food, experiences — and more. In this episode, we’re looking at travel from spirit perspective: how its twists and turns can be excellent practice for the surrender required in our ascension. Frequency work will begin to help release the distortion patterns that prevent us from being open to being in the flow and magic of the present moment.

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Episode 112: Imagination – The Key To Much More Than We Think

Is it true that imagination isn’t real? In this episode, we’re talking about imagination from spirit perspective, how it’s one of our most powerful tools, and how it’s vitally important to creation-manifestation. The free GFC (Group Frequency Calibration®) at the end will begin to help you release the distortion patterns that keep you from accessing the greater potential of your imagination.

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Episode 110: The Mystery Of Water

We’re well aware of our physical need for water, but water has a lesser-known spiritual impact on us as well. In this episode, we’re talking about the mysterious qualities of water, and how we can best use this resource to accelerate spiritually, and raise our frequency resonance.

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Episode 109: The Unexpected Impact Of Your Physical Environment

The spaces we live in both affect and reflect our internal state. In this episode, we’ll examine how the condition of our physical environments can slow us down or foster growth. As you ascend in vibration, you become more able to be in a greater number of environments. Frequency work can help release the distortion patterns keeping you from vibrating higher.

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Episode 108: Identity – What Does It Mean To Be You?

Our formative years are spent establishing our identities. But is that who we truly are? Or simply a construct of the mind? Or maybe even something else? In this episode, we’ll examine identity — and how our relationship to it shifts as we awaken. Frequency work can help raise your vibration as you rise in resonance.

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Episode 107: Embodied Acceleration

Hearing about someone else’s journey can help give context to our own. In this episode, Karen interviews Tia Hendrickson. In the short amount of time since she began doing frequency work, Tia has experienced a great deal of growth, abundance, and change. While everyone’s experience is and will be different, listening to Tia’s story may provide some perspective on your own spiritual path.

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Episode 106: A Gauge Of Spirit Maturity

No matter how long you’ve been on a spiritual journey, an external measure of your spirit level maturity can be helpful. In this episode, we’re discussing an important shift that can create more opportunity, expand possibilities, and give you more momentum.

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Episode 103: What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What appear to be close, loving relationships can sometimes be rooted in control and oppression. In this episode, we’re talking about distorted love: how to know when you’re controlled by it, how to distinguish it from true love, and how to transcend it with the help of frequency work.

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Episode 102: Losing The Fear Of Loss

The fear of loss is a fundamental part of the human experience. In this episode, we’re talking about how to shift that fear — and how doing so can impact the choices we make and the opportunities available to us. Frequency work will help shift this deep pattern, allowing you to live a fuller experience of life.

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Episode 100 Soul Connections

Have you ever met someone for the first time and instantly felt like you knew them? In this episode, we’re discussing the spirit-level dynamics that lie behind that phenomenon. Frequency work can help raise your resonance to shift oppressive past life patterns and provide momentum for something else.

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