Living Your Brilliance® – October

October 17, 2024

7pm PT / 9pm CT / 10pm ET 30 - 35 mins

Living Your Brilliance® – October

In a time of instability, when the general population is reeling, it can be easy to feel more worried, stressed, disconnected, like we don’t have enough, or like we don’t want to be here. If you’re strong enough internally you may not be experiencing the turmoil this way, but you still might be feeling somehow flat or disconnected. 

At a time like this, it’s critical to keep our focus on our awareness of our connection to Pure Source — in other words, our brilliance.


Because focusing on our own brilliance despite the turmoil of the external world, our own negative emotions, mindspin and all of those things that pull at our attention — we make a choice, an act of power to keep our frequency resonance high and to climb still higher.  

When that choice is made, over and over again in the face of the intensity of the storm, something important happens — we can actually start to experience life through the magnificence of our brilliance.

The more we’re aware of and live from our brilliance, the higher our frequency resonance, the more opportunity, abundance, synchronicity and magic become our experience.

We’ve created this Living Your Brilliance® series to help you stay focused on your brilliance regardless of what’s going on in the world around you, and how other people in your life are experiencing things.

In this special monthly series you will receive:

  • 6 powerful GFCs (Group Frequency Calibrations®) per month, given over Zoom, specifically spaced on Mondays and Thursdays at 7pm PT, to provide the greatest support and momentum to becoming aware of, experiencing and living your brilliance
  • Audio-only replays for any that you miss live or want to listen to again
  • A powerful mastermind focused on using this time of chaos to ascend


It is $195/month to participate.

This is where the rubber hits the road. 

It is time for us to BE our magnificence, to live our brilliance.

Let’s rise together!®



Register Now For October


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