

Okay, so you’ve read the self-help books. You’ve gone to the personal development and meditation retreats. You’ve done the therapy...

And yet here you are. Again. Stuck!

Maybe not as deep in. But still—yep, definitely—stuck.

Are you starting to feel disillusioned or burned out from the overwhelm of trying to manage it all? How is it there’s just never enough time?!!

Are your relationships not as deep and connected as you want them to be?

Or are you wondering why you’re not having the positive impact on others that you know you could have?

Perhaps you feel like your spiritual growth is a little stale. A little stagnant. You still want something that you can feel is juuuust beyond your reach, but you can’t quite get there.

Here’s the thing — If you don't address the root, the symptom still persists!

What’s actually happening is you’re not addressing the distortion patterns (kinda like unconscious blocks and programming at a super deep level) that keep you stuck.

They’re like an overzealous pack of linebackers weighing you down, holding you back and well, ever tried pushing a linebacker? Who’s gonna win that one?


When you release the distortion patterns, your frequency resonance rises.

And when THAT happens, everything starts to change.

What your life looks like. How you feel about it.

How smokin’ fast your manifestation can become.

The amazingness of being centered and waaaaaayyyyy less triggered by all the stuff around you. (Including you know who. You know who I’m talking about. We ALL have one of those! 😉).

The abundance you get to experience. Opportunities just landing in your lap.

Why? Because you’re starting to experience the true essence of who you truly are.

As co-Creator of your reality.

As an intrinsic, inseparable part of the Oneness —

You, as infinite, indestructible consciousness having an embodied experience.

Click to watch how to get to the root of the stuck and get going again!

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Don’t know where to start? Here’s what Karen recommends.

Free Webinar - Quiet Your Mind

Free Webinar - Quiet Your Mind

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by how much there is to worry about?

Is it sometimes hard to stop your mind from spinning over the same things over and over again?

Maybe your thoughts seem so damn loud?

What if you knew what caused all of that? And more importantly, could turn down the volume of all that stuff in your head?

Sign up here for your free class + GFC meditation

Free Webinar - 6 Essential Ingredients for a Juicy, Soul-Connected Relationship

Free Webinar - 6 Essential Ingredients for a Juicy, Soul-Connected Relationship

Discover what really matters AND the root cause that stops you from having the relationship you yearn for.

We debunk one of the worst relationship myths most people believe—an outdated idea that practically guarantees your love will fail.

Sign up here for your free class + GFC meditation.

Mastering Your World Through Frequencies podcast

Mastering Your World Through Frequencies podcast

The podcast is an exploration of how things really work behind the curtain of illusion. Why things are the way they are, the reason people experience the things they do and how much power we have to upgrade our reality. At the end of each episode, Karen provides a free Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) meditation for those who actually want to experience change. Intellectual understanding is great but if you want things to shift, the frequency work is where it happens! Learn More

Targeted Support GFC meditations (Group Frequency Calibrations®)

Targeted Support GFC meditations (Group Frequency Calibrations®)

Ready to get unstuck in those areas of life where you seem to tailspin no matter what you do? Do you want to remove those unwanted distortion patterns that weigh you down and stop you from being your best you?  Check out our collection of Group Frequency Calibrations® and Deep Dives (3-part GFC meditation series)