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Pivotal live meditation series to help you to shift from the lack and limitations of the old consciousness to the limitless potential and abundance of the new consciousness.
You’ll receive:
- 6 powerful Group Frequency Calibration® meditations (GFCs) that will release the conscious and unconscious blocks that keep you stuck in the limited ego/mind perspective into the awareness of who you truly are as infinite, indestructible consciousness having an embodied human experience. Seriously.
- Given on Mondays and Thursdays (at 7pm PT) via Zoom, intentionally spaced to give you the most momentum
- 30-Day money-back guarantee. Cancel any time
- Audio-only replays delivered to your inbox if you want to listen again or if you miss a live session
BONUS: “Living Your Brilliance® INTENSIVE”
2.5 hour workshop where you’ll learn frameworks and strategies to access the best you possible at any given moment, PLUS powerful Group Frequency Calibration® meditations to provide the momentum to break free from the patterns that keep you from experiencing the flow, ease and happiness of who you truly are. ($195 value)