how we roll

Podcast - Past Episodes

Revealing hidden truths about how the world actually works, so you can optimize your reality.

Episode 136: Cultivating Inner Knowing – The Fine Art Of Following Your Intuition

Most of the great thought leaders are guided and inspired by something more than the mind — they use their intuitive impulse. Today, we’re discussing the fine art of following one’s intuition: what to look out for, how to cultivate it, and the discipline required to sharpen our awareness of it. The frequency work in the free GFC will help you to discern what is real intuition and help you to begin to trust and cultivate it.

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Episode 135: Making The Most Of Life

In doing frequency work, there are key things that allow us to experience the most change in our frequency resonance and our reality. Confirming the removal of our distortion patterns is one thing, coming into coherence is another — and in this episode, we’re discussing a third thing. Without this piece of the puzzle, we get stuck spinning around at the same resonance without really advancing.

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Episode 134: What’s Going On With Kids These Days?

Karen has been hearing from a lot of parents whose kids are going through a difficult time right now. In this episode, we’re addressing some of these issues to facilitate an understanding of the challenges kids are currently facing.

Because she feels this is an important community service, the GFC (Group Frequency Calibration®) at the end is a full length 30-minute GFC to help both kids and parents recalibrate, find their centers and navigate this intense time together even better.

Without releasing these distortion patterns and without being in the zero point of space and time it can be easy for things to spiral into a scary place.

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Episode 133: The Spaces In Between: The Death Space & The Void

Many of us want to achieve our goals and go further faster. But as you ascend, there are spaces between levels of growth that few are aware of — and resisting these spaces causes stalling and prevents growth. In this episode, learn how to honor these spaces and make the most out of them. The free Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) at the end will begin to help you to release the distortion patterns which prevent you from entering these spaces.

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Episode 132: What Everyone Wants To Know About Frequency Work – Part 2

In last week’s episode, Karen dipped into the Spherical Luminosity mailbag and started answering our most commonly asked questions. This week, we’re picking up where we left off. No matter how long you’ve been doing frequency work, this episode will help you gain a deeper mental understanding of how this all works. Don’t miss the most important part of the episode, which is the Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) at the end. It will help give you even more momentum to confirm the removal of the distortion patterns.

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Episode 131: What Everyone Wants To Know About Frequency Work – Part 1

We receive a lot of questions at Spherical Luminosity, from frequency work newcomers and veterans alike. In the first of this two-part series, Karen answers some of the most common questions we’re asked. This week’s GFC will help you clarify your own distortion patterns, so that you can see them more easily and clear them more efficiently.

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Episode 130: The New Frequency Resonance Of Time

Humanity is currently shifting to a higher-resonating consciousness level, and a fundamental part of this shift is the new frequency resonance of time. Listen to this episode for an explanation on the new resonance of time: what it is, how it’s different from what we’re used to, and how to best transition into it.

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Episode 129: Clarifying The Journey – What To Look Out For

Everyone’s journey is unique — and there are many common experiences that people tend to have along the way. In this episode, we provide greater context around these experiences so that you can gain the most if you encounter them along your own spiritual path. Without releasing distortion patterns and having a sense of where we’re going, it can take us longer than it needs to, to pick up some real momentum.

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Episode 128: What Is The New Consciousness?

A big shift is happening for humanity right now, which many are referring to as the new consciousness. In this episode, we’re talking new consciousness basics: what it is, how to prepare for and experience it, and what will be possible as we get more firmly rooted into these higher-level frequencies.

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Episode 127: Upending The Culture Of Fear

We’re living in a fearful and highly polarized time. Is there a higher-level purpose to all this fear? Frequency work will help begin to give you the momentum to gain some much-needed distance from today’s pervasive, toxic culture of fear. Without clearing the distortion patterns that keep us locked in this dynamic, it is very difficult to stay stable and accelerate forward.

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Episode 126: Confidence vs. Bravado

Confidence is something many people wish they experienced more of. In this episode, we discuss what true confidence is — and how to increase it, rather than just mask self-consciousness or self-doubt with bravado. Releasing distortion patterns through frequency work is key to increasing true confidence.

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Episode 125: Truly Falling In Love With Self: Arancha’s Story

Many of us struggle in our relationships — both with others and with ourselves. It can be hard to have fulfilling relationships when we’re not comfortable with who we are. In this episode, Karen catches up with Arancha, a Spherical Luminosity community member. Over the course of a year, Arancha’s been on a fast-track journey with frequency work and has accelerated quickly. Her longtime struggle with relationships has seen a massive transformation as a result.

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Episode 124: When Ego Masquerades As Awakening

Many of us have a desire for awakening, but the ego often has other plans. In this episode, we’re discussing how the ego mind can fool us into thinking we’re making progress when in fact we’re still bound in our minds and have plenty of distortion patterns to release.

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Episode 123: What It Means To Give Our Power Away

Most of us are conditioned to and routinely give our power away, but we rarely recognize that we’re doing it. In this episode, we’re diving into the details: what it means and looks like to give away your power, the consequences of doing so, and how to begin to break the pattern.

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Episode 122: Steady As She Goes – Holding Your Space

You may be familiar with the phrase “holding your space” — but what does it really mean? Why is it so critical? What’s really happening on spirit level? This episode will help you better understand what it means to hold your space and keep your resonance rising by doing so.

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Episode 121: Mastering Your Frequency Bandwidth

Do you feel like life happens to you? Are you in a state of reaction and disempowerment — and wondering how to make a change? In this episode, we’re discussing the frequency bandwidth that corresponds to you as a person: what it is, why it’s important, and how to begin to master it. Frequency work can help raise your resonance by removing distortion patterns to shift you into higher states of being.

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Episode 120: The Danger Of Being Nice

From an early age, most of us have been taught to be nice — but we often express niceness to our own detriment. In this episode, we’re discussing the danger of niceness and exploring the boundary between kindness and self-sacrifice. The frequency work at the end of the episode will begin to release distortion patterns related to this topic.

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Episode 119: The Little Known Recipe For True Success

There aren’t many people who are spiritually advanced and actually behaving that way — not oppressing or controlling others — and living healthy, vibrant, abundant lives. Why is that? In this episode we discuss the little known recipe for true success followed by frequency work to help raise your resonance and release distortion patterns on this topic.

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Episode 118: Absolute Scarcity

“When I’m 15 pounds thinner, I’ll finally be happy.”
“When I’ve met my soulmate, everything will be perfect.”
“When I finally have (fill in the blank) much money, then I’ll feel like I have enough.”

How many of us have had similar thoughts about something we desired but lacked? When we do achieve the thing we want, it can be satisfying — for a little while, but that satisfaction always fades and we’re on to the next bigger, better thing. In this episode, we’re discussing the foundational distortion pattern that keeps us chasing fulfillment.

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Episode 117: A Masculine Perspective On Awakening

Karen and her husband Chris have been on a spiritual journey together since they met in 1994. Part of that journey has been an inquiry into — and embodiment of — the masculine for Chris and feminine for Karen. Along the way, they’ve both discovered that there are very few highly visible role models in this space that aren’t heavily distorted. Chris joins Karen in this episode to share his perspective on that journey, and talk about what the masculine has started to look like for him as he continues to grow. Frequency work can help release distortion patterns that hold you back from accepting all of you. Raise your vibration so that you can more easily embody the highest version of you that is currently available to you.

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Episode 116: What Is Different About Pure Presence?

Mastering Pure Presence is critical to advancing your spiritual journey. In this episode,how it’s different from simply being present, how it benefits us, and how we actually get “there.” 

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Episode 115: Demystifying The Dead

Death is a natural part of the life cycle — and an important part of the spirit’s journey through the human experience — but in our culture (and many others) we fear it and even generally avoid talking about it. In this episode, we’ll be shedding some light on the death process: what happens to people when they die and what happens to dead people who don’t cross over into Pure Source. Raising your frequency resonance can help you hold your space better around this topic.

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Episode 114: Travel – The Opportunity of the Unfamiliar

Travel allows us access to different cultures, food, experiences — and more. In this episode, we’re looking at travel from spirit perspective: how its twists and turns can be excellent practice for the surrender required in our ascension. Frequency work will begin to help release the distortion patterns that prevent us from being open to being in the flow and magic of the present moment.

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Episode 113: Where Do Habits REALLY Come From?

Habits are tricky. Learn where bad habits can come from and why they can be so hard to break and why some good habits are so hard to establish even when we intellectually and emotionally want the outcome that establishing them will give us.

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Episode 112: Imagination – The Key To Much More Than We Think

Is it true that imagination isn’t real? In this episode, we’re talking about imagination from spirit perspective, how it’s one of our most powerful tools, and how it’s vitally important to creation-manifestation. The free GFC (Group Frequency Calibration®) at the end will begin to help you release the distortion patterns that keep you from accessing the greater potential of your imagination.

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Episode 111: The Higher Level Impact Of Play & Adventure

Play and adventure can be much more than lighthearted diversions. In this episode, find out how you can use play and adventure to help you awaken spiritually. Frequency work can help to release distortion patterns that can keep you stuck in the discomfort or fear of uncertainty.

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Episode 110: The Mystery Of Water

We’re well aware of our physical need for water, but water has a lesser-known spiritual impact on us as well. In this episode, we’re talking about the mysterious qualities of water, and how we can best use this resource to accelerate spiritually, and raise our frequency resonance.

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Episode 109: The Unexpected Impact Of Your Physical Environment

The spaces we live in both affect and reflect our internal state. In this episode, we’ll examine how the condition of our physical environments can slow us down or foster growth. As you ascend in vibration, you become more able to be in a greater number of environments. Frequency work can help release the distortion patterns keeping you from vibrating higher.

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Episode 108: Identity – What Does It Mean To Be You?

Our formative years are spent establishing our identities. But is that who we truly are? Or simply a construct of the mind? Or maybe even something else? In this episode, we’ll examine identity — and how our relationship to it shifts as we awaken. Frequency work can help raise your vibration as you rise in resonance.

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Episode 107: Embodied Acceleration

Hearing about someone else’s journey can help give context to our own. In this episode, Karen interviews Tia Hendrickson. In the short amount of time since she began doing frequency work, Tia has experienced a great deal of growth, abundance, and change. While everyone’s experience is and will be different, listening to Tia’s story may provide some perspective on your own spiritual path.

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Episode 106: A Gauge Of Spirit Maturity

No matter how long you’ve been on a spiritual journey, an external measure of your spirit level maturity can be helpful. In this episode, we’re discussing an important shift that can create more opportunity, expand possibilities, and give you more momentum.

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Episode 105: Fundamental Authenticity

Have you ever changed the way you talked or how you behaved when you were with different people? I had a friend who was exceptional at this. People loved her […]

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Episode 104: Neutrality – the Real Deal

Have you ever been sensitive to what people thought of you? When I was growing up, I was always very aware of people’s emotional states, and even more so when it […]

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Episode 103: What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What appear to be close, loving relationships can sometimes be rooted in control and oppression. In this episode, we’re talking about distorted love: how to know when you’re controlled by it, how to distinguish it from true love, and how to transcend it with the help of frequency work.

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Episode 102: Losing The Fear Of Loss

The fear of loss is a fundamental part of the human experience. In this episode, we’re talking about how to shift that fear — and how doing so can impact the choices we make and the opportunities available to us. Frequency work will help shift this deep pattern, allowing you to live a fuller experience of life.

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Episode 101: The Most Important Tool in Your Toolkit

We all have a powerful tool in our frequency work toolkit. In this episode, we’re discussing what this tool is, some common pitfalls, and how to know if you’re ready to use it.

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Episode 100 Soul Connections

Have you ever met someone for the first time and instantly felt like you knew them? In this episode, we’re discussing the spirit-level dynamics that lie behind that phenomenon. Frequency work can help raise your resonance to shift oppressive past life patterns and provide momentum for something else.

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Episode 99 A Different Perspective On Awakening

To help provide context for your own spiritual journey, we’re shaking it up with a different perspective on frequency work and awakening.

Chris Sprague is Karen’s husband and business partner in Spherical Luminosity. While the two are of a similarly high resonance, Chris perceives differently and has had a different experience in his awakening journey from Karen.

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Episode 98 Productivity – Spirit Hacks

Work smarter — not harder — with these productivity-enhancing spirit hacks to help raise your vibration.

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Episode 97 A Key Piece of Ancient Wisdom Clarified

The ancients often used allegory or metaphor to describe how reality is created. In this episode, we’re stripping away the metaphors to dive into the true mechanics of our reality. With this understanding, we gain the power to change what was previously thought solid and create and experience a higher and better version of our selves and our reality. Raising our frequency can open up new possibilities.

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Episode 96 Trauma In The Physical Body

There’s a spiritual element to trauma, and healing isn’t over until it’s addressed. In this episode, learn how to complete the healing process — and potentially transform a traumatic event into massive spiritual growth.

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Episode 95 Auric Fields – What You Need To Know

Auric fields can exist not only around the body, but around places, groups of people, and holidays. In this episode, we’ll discuss how they affect us and what to watch out for — and how to use them to accelerate forward.

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Episode 94 The Power Of Sound & Music

Sound and music are powerful forces that have been used in many spiritual traditions as tools for acceleration. In this episode, learn how the physical frequencies of sound and music can affect our spiritual frequencies.

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Episode 93 Detoxifying The Mind

The world is filled with an overwhelming number of stories, all with their own perspectives and agendas. How can we turn down the volume on these stories and allow the mind to function more sharply, clearly, and powerfully?

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Episode 92 Up Close & Personal Part II

During a previous episode, Karen opened up about her personal spiritual journey. And in response to listener/viewer questions, she’s taken an even deeper dive into how her experience and perspective have changed as she continues along her path.

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Episode 91 The Sinister Side of E-Z

A lot of advertising that comes our way is about making things easier, faster, or instantaneous — but is there something we’re missing in our desire for more comfort?

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Episode 90 Phoenix Rising – Power & Sovereignty

These can seem like impossibly dark times, but often it is darkest before the dawn. This episode dives into why things are currently happening and how they can help us strengthen, harness our power, and rise from the ashes.

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Episode 89 An Act Of Power In Turbulent Times

In these turbulent times, many are succumbing to the stress of chaos, the worry of an unknown future, and feeling powerless to change any of it. In this episode, we’re discussing the unseen dynamic of what’s really at work — and how it offers you a unique chance to strengthen and transcend.

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Episode 88 – Finally Free – Breaking The Stranglehold Of Spirit Debt

Spirit debt is a distortion pattern that all humans are born into. Today we’re discussing this invisible, pervasive distortion pattern: what it is, how it keeps you stuck, and how you can start to break free.

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Episode 87 What Hides In Plain Sight

Polarization is intense across the planet right now. In this episode, we’re exploring this phenomenon from spirit level — and highlighting the incredible opportunity presented during this time of breakdown.

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