Absolute Scarcity



Have you ever felt that you’d finally be happy once you are financially free, or have a better home, or find the perfect partner, or know your true purpose, or [fill in the blank]?
And then when you felt that yearning for that happiness, felt a little more empty or less than or lonely the way things are right now?
What if you could change what is often the cause of that emptiness—that sense of incompleteness—that fuels that yearning, by releasing a foundational distortion pattern that typically underlies that feeling?
Absolute scarcity is what happens when we believe on some level that we are separate and disconnected from Pure Source. That we are limited to the “s”elf as identified by ego and believe that the physical reality is all that there is.
This sneaky, almost all-pervasive pattern impacts us at the most foundational human level, and this is something that almost everyone needs help with to one degree or another.
When we are at the resonance that we perceive only from the “s”elf, implicit within that perception is that we are separate, incomplete and need something external to us to complete us. Seen from this vantage point, we will ALWAYS feel incomplete. That we need to have the partner, the money, the house, the kids, the purpose, the whatever it is you think you need that is outside of you to make you feel connected, complete, and whole.
From the “s”elf perspective, when you are relying on something external to give you that sense of completion, even when you do experience/get/manifest whatever it is, after a short period of time, the initial sense of satisfaction fades and you’re off chasing something else to help you feel more complete again.
It’s never enough, and it never stops . . .
Unless and until we can reach and embody a resonance that is high enough to access our “S”elf, which is the perspective or identity from spirit, where we KNOW that we are infinite, indestructible consciousness. And this doesn’t have to be a complete or permanent shift (not likely while we’re embodied, living a human experience). Experiencing this higher resonating perspective, even just for a moment, changes the game.
In that knowing of that infiniteness, absolute scarcity dissolves. It simply can no longer exist.
Join Karen in this Deep Dive (3-part GFC series) as she works with your Higher Self to help to begin to release Absolute Scarcity so you can experience more of the infiniteness and wholeness of your true essence.