Fear Of Failure



Are there things you’d like to do or say but you have trouble getting started because you’re afraid you might fail? Do you find yourself wanting to be sure you get everything 100% right? Are you afraid to make mistakes or look foolish? Or perhaps you can get going and gain momentum initially, but when it comes to that next big leap, you’re afraid to lose what you have.

The fear of failure can stop momentum in its tracks or stop us even before we begin. It can keep our world small because we are afraid to take risks or step outside what is known to us. If the distortion patterns get strong enough, it can cause our world to shrink.

Join Karen in this GFC (Group Frequency Calibration®) as she works with your Higher Self to:

  • Reduce the sensitivity of being judged by others and/or caring what they think
  • Release the pattern of self-judgement relating to appearing foolish or weak
  • Delete the pattern of low self-worth that leads to you believing that what you say or do impacts how worthy you are of being loved, seen, or accepted
  • Let go of the belief that your actions are irrevocable and that you do not have the strength to adapt to what is if you make a “mistake”
  • Bring you closer to neutral so that you are less attached to the outcome
  • Amplify the frequency of confidence from a higher place

So you can begin to express more fully all of who you can be.