Fundamental Authenticity



Have you ever found yourself speaking or behaving differently when you’re with parents versus your friends, or family members or your work colleagues because you want to be accepted, loved, seen or approved of?

Sometimes it can be hard to be at ease with ourselves, much less be at ease consistently with the different people in our lives. And more than just meeting people where they’re at, many of us have a tendency to change who we are to match them so we don’t ruffle feathers or meet with disapproval.

Some of us cannot consistently show up as authentically ourselves because we feel who we are is not enough and we need to be something different so we can be accepted, liked, loved, etc.

Fundamental authenticity happens when we are strong enough on spirit level to be unattached to others’ judgements, thoughts, or opinions of us and we are not only at peace with being ourselves but actually unable to be any other way.

We are free to express and be who we truly are.

Join Karen in this Deep Dive (3-part GFC series) as she works with your Higher Self to:

  • Delete the oversensitivity to judgement
  • Release low self-worth and non-deserving of being seen or heard
  • Let go of needing others’ approval in order to feel valuable or worthy
  • Increase your awareness and acceptance of all of yourself
  • Allow for more ease with who you are
  • Pull you further into neutrality so you can see yourself and others with more clarity
  • Give you more distance from your thoughts and emotions so you can start to access your “S”elf (your Self identified more with Spirit and grander perspective than from the self identified with the ego/mind)
  • Strengthen even more internally so you can express and embody greater and greater levels of fundamental authenticity