Maximizing Physical Energy & Vitality In Unstable Times



Have you been feeling exhausted even though you seem to be sleeping enough hours? Are you maybe noticing yourself waking up very early or at odd but consistent times in the middle of the night?

Times of instability can be quite taxing both mentally and physically, but they also offer tremendous opportunity to accelerate on spirit level and rise in frequency resonance, if you have the ability to take advantage of it.

Change is happening on spirit level really quickly right now, so it requires a tremendous amount of energy for the physical body to keep up because it’s so much denser.

With this physical fatigue, we can start to crave sugar and drink more caffeine (and there are plenty of worse options, too) to manage daily life, which only ends up creating more of a tax on our life force even if it seems to help for the short term.

During these times it’s really important to be vigilantly aware of your body’s frequency resonance and be more mindful than ever to take good care of it.

The stronger your life force and vitality, not only does it make your day to day easier because you’re in greater coherence, it also helps you to access the higher resonating states which feel out of reach when we’re struggling AND it helps you integrate those higher level frequencies more quickly.

The faster you can integrate those higher level frequencies, the better you’ll feel, the better choices you make about taking care of your physical body, the clearer your mind and the more momentum you can sustain on spirit level.

If you need help supporting or maximizing your life force and vitality in this time of tremendous change, opportunity and acceleration, join Karen in this Deep Dive (3-part GFC series)!