Shine Bright in the Midst of Doom & Gloom



There’s more and more heaviness and darkness around us.

War in the Middle East, continuing war in the Ukraine, famine in parts of Africa, and extreme weather causing hurricanes and flooding. The list goes on.

It can be easy to get pulled into the hopelessness, the powerlessness, and the sadness of what is happening and what is being amplified into the collective through stories, imagery, and agenda.

We can forget that it’s our choice what our vibration level is, and that how we show up matters and does in fact impact things, positively or negatively.

The higher your frequency resonance, the greater the positive impact you have.

Especially in this time where there is more extremity, keeping your resonance high, regardless of the stories or external circumstances, is important not only for your own internal strength, sense of peace, and spiritual acceleration but to help others to entrain to a different possibility and a higher vibration than what is being presented as options. It is a powerful way to affect change even if you don’t know exactly what the change is.

The more you give over your vibrational level to fear, anger, sadness, and hopelessness, the more you contribute to a story of despair.

The higher your vibration, the more you can create and live a better life experience personally, in addition to creating more change around you.

If you want help in staying centered amidst all this darkness and shine brightly in a time when it is very needed then join Karen for this 3-part Deep Dive.

The world needs you to be your awesomest you!