Solidifying Your Power To Enter The New Consciousness



So many of us give away our power so frequently and so easily — often because we’re seeking to be accepted, liked, loved, heard or seen. It’s a heavy price to pay for a small return. In the old consciousness, it is often intertwined with spirit debt (watch Episode 88 Finally Free Breaking The Stranglehold Of Spirit Debt if you don’t know what this is!).
What does it mean to give our power away? From Karen’s perspective, it means we give our authority away to someone else who we think or believe is more knowledgeable, awake, confident, has more authority or is somehow more powerful or connected than we are. It’s not even necessarily that they actually are. It’s enough that we believe it to be so.
The danger of this is that we elevate them above us, turn off our “spidey senses,” and we stop listening to our own inner authority. We stop questioning whether what they’re saying, suggesting, teaching, or doing really resonates with us —- we just accept it as true or right for us.
This can lead to us not paying attention to the warning bells that might be going off, telling us something is wrong, to stop listening, or to question what is being done or said.
In doing so, we stop honoring what is true for us, and without even realizing it, we diminish our own brilliance. Ultimately it makes our true brilliance, that we yearn to experience, seem even more distant.
In order to better access and integrate the new consciousness frequencies — where giving your power away is not an option — we must recognize our own power and the real source of that power, and we must solidify our true sense of self, our own brilliance. 

Join Karen in this Deep Dive (3-part GFC series) as she works with your Higher Self to:

  • Release the distortion patterns of low self-worth and non-deserving of your own inner authority
  • Delete the lack of trust in your Higher Self
  • Remove the pattern of wanting to please to the point of self sacrifice
  • Let go of the distortion pattern of needing to be liked
  • Concentrate, clarify and firm up your sense of self and spirit body so that you can hold your boundaries better and others cannot push their frequencies so readily into you 
  • Increase your level of neutrality so you’re not as sensitive to appearing to be mean or selfish, especially when all you’re doing is firmly maintaining your boundaries 
  • Amplify clarity so you can better and sooner perceive when you give your power away and with whom so you can more effectively confirm and remove the distortion patterns
  • Further connect you to your Higher Self so you are more aware of the brilliance you are so you less readily diminish yourself
  • Connect you further in to the new consciousness resonance which in turn will help you to purge out the distortion patterns preventing you from recognizing your own power and brilliance so you can embody and align better with your inner authority, experience your true brilliance at a higher level order, and more firmly establish your footing in the new consciousness