Tapping the Source of True Confidence



Have you ever wished you could be as confident in what you say or know as others seem to be? Do you wonder if the opportunities that you’d have available to you would be different if you felt or appeared more confident? Perhaps you’ve found you often intuit the answer you seek but you doubt yourself and stall before you can get into action? Do you wish you trusted your inner knowingness more?

We often envy those who appear confident. They seem to have things handled and the world seems to be their oyster, so to speak. If anyone can make lemonade out of lemons, it’s them.

But what is true confidence? And where does it come from?

True confidence is often much more quiet and significantly more profound than what we see around us. It is when we are so aware of our connection to Pure Source that all other concerns—from what others think of us, to expectations, obligations, stories of who we should be and how we appear—are much smaller in comparison. That awareness gives us true confidence, to be authentically who we are, bumps and all.

Join Karen in this Deep Dive (3-part GFC series) as she works with your Higher Self to:

  • Delete the pattern of self-doubt and second guessing
  • Let go of the fear of making a poor or wrong choice
  • Amplify a sense of your own authority and knowingness
  • Increase the trust in yourself and your higher self
  • Shift from the fear of making a bad choice to embracing the opportunity to continuously grow and learn
  • Release layers of the fear of loss so you’re not in resistance to the unfolding of the reality and can have a deeper knowingness that you are greater than the relationships, things or circumstances that we often believe define us
  • Delete a number of the rule sets that govern who you think you should be so you can be more comfortable with who you are
  • Let go of the discomfort with others’ discomfort so you can be present without needing to be anything other than who you are
  • Allow for a growing acceptance and eventual celebration for who you are so you can start showing up as a higher version better expressing your true inner brilliance