
Episode 33: Fast Track To Enlightenment

When I first started on my spiritual journey, I desperately wanted a teacher, a guide, SOMEONE to tell me what to do, where to go, how to do it, so I could get “there” faster. I wasn’t sure exactly where “there” was, but I knew it wasn’t “here”. I was so hungry for...

Episode 32: Reshaping Your Relationship With Time

Have you noticed that time is a funny thing? When I’m doing something I don’t like it seems to take FOREVER but when I’m doing something fun it goes by in a flash. And when it comes to the to do list — Oy. It often seems like there’s just not enough time to...

Episode 31: How To Expand Your Field Of Possibilities

I used to be such. a. control. freak. I very much had a clear idea of what I thought I wanted in life and I focused all my energy on achieving that. I wasn’t very open to other possibilities because I didn’t realize other possibilities could actually be BETTER than...

Episode 29: Transcendent Leadership

When I was a kid, my little sister thought I was the best thing, EVER. She always wanted to do what I was doing. She followed me around, always wanting to play games with me. Occasionally she’d hang on to my leg as I walked. I developed REALLY strong legs. We had fun...

Episode 24: What Is The Zero Point?

When I was in my early 20s I became interested in Buddhism.   I read a lot about the middle path and attachment being the root of suffering.   I kinda got it intellectually but I didn’t really understand how to get to that neutral point.   There seemed to be a lot of...