
Episode 74 Best Practices For Integration & Acceleration

My dad was always the type of guy who wanted to get things done as quickly and effectively as possible. Even when I was a little kid, he was always reading things like speed reading, or the 7 habits of the most effective people. He was an “all in” kind of guy. When he...

Episode 60: Expectations – The Hidden Stumbling Block

I always thought my parents were pretty awesome, and especially so as they got older.   They are (or were, in the case of my Dad who passed away a few years ago) surprisingly open.   They moved to Oakland, CA after 40+ years of living in Montreal, Canada—a big move...

Episode 46: Brilliance Is Your Birthright

It can be so easy to fall prey to the comparison game. That mental tailspin of how we stack up against others. Then our emotions can start to spiral and we can end up feeling like we suck or that other people seem to have everything handled and we alone, somehow, have...

Episode 34: Manifesting From Spirit vs. Manifesting From The Mind

“If you had three wishes, what would they be?” My sister and I used to play this game all the time when we were growing up. I always to wanted have some form of super power. I mean, what kid doesn’t? When we played the game the answer “infinite wishes” was deemed lame...

Episode 32: Reshaping Your Relationship With Time

Have you noticed that time is a funny thing? When I’m doing something I don’t like it seems to take FOREVER but when I’m doing something fun it goes by in a flash. And when it comes to the to do list — Oy. It often seems like there’s just not enough time to...