Learn how to leverage the body to propel you forward spiritually.


·        The secret to awakening, the knowledge you seek – already exists deep within you. Trying to escape out of the body takes you further away from where you are trying to go.

·        Holding things you want or yearn for outside of or external to you (one way we do this is by chasing what we want) creates even more tension between you and it, keeping it further from your experience of reality. When you realize it all already exists within you, you can claim your own brilliance and live a different (better) experience.

·        Density, or physical form, gives us the opportunity to experience sensuality and emotions at a much greater intensity than we do when we’re disembodied or don’t have form, which allows us to experience or learn more because of the high level of input.

·        Being present in the body is key to acceleration and to influencing your reality for 2 main reasons (watch the full episode to find out how).

·        Allowing for the full emotional experience to be felt and pass through you is extremely efficient in terms of learning. Holding the emotion by suppressing, resisting it or trying to escape it is what causes those emotions to distort, build and negatively affect us both physically and on spirit level.

·        Using meditation as a means to escape the physical world, your reality, or your body, slows down your acceleration. Meditation can be wonderful – it’s the escaping the body that’s detrimental.

·        If we can transcend in the body i.e. if we can transcend the limitation of our sensory input and the belief that the physical world is the only reality, that realization while in the body results in a massive leap on spirit level.

·        The potential and opportunity we all have to transcend the limitations of what we perceive on the physical level is equal in all of us irrespective of race, religion, class or gender.

·        Listen to the GFC to help anchor you fully in the body and leverage it to accelerate on spirit level.