Every once in a while I can be a total spazzo klutz and trip on the randomest thing.
I’ll look behind me after I’ve semi-wiped out there doesn’t even seem to be anything there. What is THAT about?
Usually, the more of a rush I’m in and the faster I’m going, the worse it is. Is this just me, or has this ever happened to you?
The same thing can happen on spirit level as well, and this week’s episode is all about the two things that will trip you up the most.
This week Dennis and I will be discussing the first of the two things (they are big enough that we had to make these into an episode each!), followed by the most important part of the episode – the Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) at the end. It will help you start to not only see the obstacle but to actually use it so you can get faster at recovery.
Until next time!   



–        The ego and the mind are interrelated/overlapping, but distinct from each other.

–        The mind is the tool that we use to limit and filter the otherwise unmanageable amount of information around us, sorting it into “this or that” (so we can compare things, and choose what is safe and/or better for us). It also helps us understand and map the world around us (how things fit together), which helps us plan for the future.

–        The ego is the part that judges or determines that things “should be” a certain way, and compares us to others, often needing to feel better than others in order to feel worthy, loved or empowered. It’s also the part of us that wants to be right to continuously reinforce the sense of self.

–        We are not our thoughts. Our thoughts are formed mainly by the distortion patterns that are found in our lineage, religion and cultures. They are not really “ours” in the sense that most of them do not originate from us independently of those sources.

–        We tend to repeat the same or similar thoughts over and over because of the frequency distortion patterns running through us.

–        It is important to distinguish your Self from your mind and ego which are constantly talking to you.

–        You can use focused awareness of your body, the details of things around you, or nature to slow down the mind and stop thinking.

–        The gap between the thoughts is really important because it is in this gap that we experience our true nature as indestructible consciousness.

–        In a moment of stillness we can experience the infinite expansion of the eternal now.

–        When we remove distortion patterns through frequency work, a natural consequence is that the mind slows down and because we feel more complete in ourselves the need to judge and to compare ourselves to others to feel better about ourselves diminishes and eventually drops away. There is no need to feel better than anyone else because we are aware of our own brilliance — making it easier to recognize the same in others as well, regardless of what they say or do