Has there been a time when it felt like life brought you to your knees?

An unexpected death. A bankruptcy. A breakup.

For me, it was a health crisis that no one seemed to know what the cause was nor how to ease the symptoms.

The more I resisted and tried to control things, the worse it got and the more out of control I felt.

My condition physically gnawed away at me mentally and emotionally. After months of enduring I was exhausted. I reached a point where I seriously considered taking my life. I. Just. Wanted. It. All. To. STOP.

And yet, that same crisis was a critical turning point. I would never be the person I am now if it hadn’t happened.

Today’s episode is about the breakdown before the breakthrough.

Dennis and I talk about what the function of the breakdown is from spirit perspective, how to make the process faster and how we can use these times to tremendously accelerate our growth.

The Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) will help begin to strengthen you AND make this process more efficient.

Without frequency work, the breakdowns get more painful, more long lasting, and it takes much longer to recover from because we don’t learn from the challenges as quickly or we get overwhelmed with another one. We get stuck spinning in them.

Listen to the GFC. Let’s get to the breakthrough faster!

Until next time


–        We often view crisis or breakdown as a “bad” thing and try to avoid it

–        It may look like breakdown but it is an indication that things need to shift

–        We need that breakdown to tear us out of our comfort zone of what we believe, assume, conclude so we can open to greater things

–        Often we’re scared of those greater things because they’re not known

–        The chaos, crisis, and deep emotional turmoil are required for us to reach a greater level of allowance or surrender that we normally would not be open to

–        Often the more we resist, the bigger or more intense the crisis has to be to get us to let go enough to learn what we need to learn

–        What is happening is not happening TO you it’s happening FOR you to learn something

–        Feather. Brick. Truck. Which one will you choose? (watch the full episode)

–        As we become more neutral we can sidestep the feather, brick, truck paradigm because everything becomes an opportunity to learn

–        The real opportunity is to awaken before the ultimate physical breakdown (death) so we can break though into true liberation (watch the full episode to hear more)