
It can be so easy to fall prey to the comparison game.

That mental tailspin of how we stack up against others.

Then our emotions can start to spiral and we can end up feeling like we suck or that other people seem to have everything handled and we alone, somehow, have missed the boat.

For many of us, it’s often a lot easier to see another’s brilliance but really hard to see our own.

Do you know what I mean?

I’m not talking about experiencing one’s own brilliance to help us feel better about ourselves in contrast to others, but truly experience the magnificence of who we are without any need to compare.

In this week’s episode (#46), Dennis and I talk about how recognizing our brilliance is a game changer, what it means to accept that it’s true, how it’s empowering and required for spiritual awakening and what to watch out for.

The free Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) at the end will help you to begin to remove the distortion patterns that keep you from being able to see and experience your own brilliance without having to compare to anyone else.

Without this critical step we can fall prey to and get stuck spinning in our own and others’ judgments, limitations and beliefs, making it so much harder to keep advancing to an ever higher resonating order.

This is a HUGE stepping stone on the path to liberation!

Until next time,



•  An individual’s spiritual journey often begins with seeking outside of oneself. But finding that elusive ‘it’ actually comes from looking within.

•  Experiencing your brilliance is a recognition of the divine within—a knowingness that you no longer need to seek outside of yourself for love, worthiness, or validation. It’s the realization that you’re an integral part of the All That Is.

•  Each human has this brilliance. It’s what animates us all. But it’s often not so easy to see it in ourselves—or others. The ego mind, our pain bodies, our distortion patterns—they all play key roles in blinding us to our brilliance.

•  A lot of the distortion patterns around claiming our brilliance are related to religious, cultural, and lineage conditioning. External control sources also have an interest in keeping us from claiming our brilliance—we’re easier to control if we’re led to believe that we need an intermediary between ourselves and Pure Source.

•  Experiencing your brilliance isn’t a mental thing. It’s not as easy as repeating a mantra. It’s a realization that comes from clearing sufficient distortion patterns and rising in vibration level to the point where you can have the experiential knowingness of your own brilliance.

•  We all rise together. Children born now—during a time of a higher level of consciousness—can more easily remember their brilliance. And when they remember, it helps the collective remember, because we are all part of the All That Is.

•  You’re still human. Having moments of forgetting your brilliance is part of the journey. But the realization won’t really go away: you’ll get faster at catching the self-doubt, the limiting stories, the negative thoughts of the ego mind—no matter how real they can feel at the time.