Special abilities are often confused for spiritual awakening. In this episode, Karen distinguishes between the two, highlights a common mistake people make regarding special abilities, and offers some guidance if they do start to come in for you.
People tend to not want to seem like quitters. As a result, many of us find ourselves staying in relationships and situations that no longer serve ourselves or the greater good. In this episode, learn the difference between lacking discipline and following the signs of momentum falling away.
Helping can be a beautiful expression of human nature, but our reasons for helping aren’t alway altruistic. Learn about some of the underlying patterns that motivate us to help, and how a clear and strong foundation can allow us to have more choice and free will around helping.
Time can be a real struggle for many of us. In this episode, Karen answers some frequently asked questions about time. Learn what it actually is from spirit perspective, how it can become our ally, and how the rules of time are shifting with the new consciousness coming in.
I’ve always had a love for crystals and trees. When I was little, I used to sing to the trees and I’d imagine them whispering and singing back to me. […]
Star gates, portals, aliens, and more—how much awareness of this stuff is required in the awakening process? This episode demystifies some of the woo-woo and gets down to what really accelerates us forward.
Food can not only be used to nourish you, it can also create stability and acceleration for your spiritual journey. Learn how to support your spiritual journey with what—and how—you eat.
Sleep is not only important from the physical perspective—it also allows us access to dream states where we can experience non-ordinary realities. Learn what to be aware of, and how the nature of sleep and dreams can change as we awaken.
Learn how to better integrate frequency work on a practical level, as Karen answers frequently asked questions on this topic and shares some easy-to-implement tactics and strategies.
Learn what to watch out for with gurus, masters and teachers—what might be harmful or slow you down, and how to identify someone who can help you most effectively and efficiently down your path without being oppressive or abusive.
Do we have total free will or is everything preordained? The answer lies somewhere in the middle, and knowing how free will actually works allows you to increase the level available to you.
Join Karen and Dennis as they explore a personal, rarely discussed topic: Karen’s background and spiritual journey. Guided to share more to help others on their journeys, Karen offers insight on the places, people, and experiences that have shaped her life.
Individual, private sessions where Karen can specifically address your distortion patterns and answer individual questions
Very helpful for refining and accelerating in specific areas where you are stuck
Can have more specificity, but lacks the benefit of the momentum of a group session, especially when you’re just beginning and don’t have that much momentum yet on your own because of the heaviness of the distortion patterns
We have found you can gain momentum and accelerate significantly more quickly if you use IFCs in tandem with group work
Anywhere from 30-60 minutes in length (at your option)
How often you want these is determined by what you intuitively feel guided to. Karen will not determine this for you
Prior to your first IFC, we strongly recommend that you watch/listen to at least Episodes 1 and 2 (Frequency Work Fundamentals Parts 1 & 2) of the video/podcast series “Mastering Your World Through Frequencies” and listen to the free GFCs at the end. And if you want even more of a head start, so you can make more progress in your IFC, you can listen to one or more of the foundational GFCs or Deep Dives, available in the Products section of the website, prior to your IFC (for a complete list of these, refer to the New To This section of the website). This will allow Karen to focus on more advanced issues, allowing you to move faster in your IFC
$150 for 30 minutes, $225 for 45 minutes, $300 for 60 minutes (+4% HI state tax)
Weekly Video/Podcast + Free GFC
The interview gives you a mental framework and understanding of why the topic is important
At the end of each video, the free Group Frequency Calibrations (GFCs) harness the power of the mastermind to help begin to clear the distortion patterns of the particular topic
These free GFCs help people begin to address the surface level distortion patterns, which for some, will catalyze enormous change. For those participants for whom the particular topic is particularly charged or challenging we recommend doing further work through additional GFCs, Deep Dives, or IFCs in order to go deeper to release more entrenched, deep running patterns that are stickier in those challenging areas
This is a great beginning and it’s free!
The links below are to the video. If you want to listen to the PODCAST, reference the episode number to the left of the title.
Emergence – The Accelerated Mastermind Experience
Given exclusively at live events
Karen gives a GFC to the group and simultaneously gives individual hands-on work to the participants
This is the way to receive the specificity of individual work AND the momentum of the mastermind for unparalleled acceleration
Participation limited to a maximum of 8-12 individuals depending on the topic and length of the live event
Master Classes
These are topics which although they are being taught intellectually require a certain frequency level for the participant to be at in order to be understood and experienced. These classes use a two-pronged approach to foster growth both at the mental and spirit levels
There is a teaching component where Karen will speak more in depth about the topic, and teach strategies or tactics for greater integration on the mental level which can seed the future possibility of mastery on the frequency level
The frequency work included in these classes is designed to accelerate participants on frequency/spirit level so they can have an experiential knowingness rather than simply a surface level intellectual understanding
These are closed once registration is complete (meaning that they are not sold as products after the completion of the class), and the masterminds move at an even more accelerated pace than the Deep Dives. The experience is deeper, more efficient and more powerful because the mastermind meets 4-5 times in a row. The resulting momentum is significantly greater than that of a Deep Dive
Meant for people who have a solid base in frequency work and are stable enough on spirit level in order to be able to handle the level of frequency work being given without massive detox
For certain topics that require very advanced work and involve particularly high frequencies, the Master Classes are by application only to ensure that the mastermind is sufficiently highly resonating, and that the participants are stable enough to not be further distorted by the class
Each class is 1 hour.
$249 for a four-part Master Class (+4% HI state tax)
Deep Dive
A series of 3 GFCs on a particular topic
Because we are going super deep on a topic, much older, more intense and often more entrenched frequencies can be accessed and removed
Because the mastermind meets three times in a row there is exponentially more momentum on spirit level and the frequency level that is accessed is much higher, providing greater acceleration on spirit level in addition to more clearing more quickly
The increase in momentum is HUGE in a Deep Dive (versus a one-part GFC) and is difficult to quantify in words
Each of the three sessions is approximately 35-45 minutes in length
$59 for all three sessions (+4% HI state tax)
GFC (Group Frequency Calibration)
Group sessions with multiple participants focusing on clearing distortion patterns related to a particular topic
People can participate live in “real time” or can listen to the recording. It’s equally effective either way (see explanation below about how this works)
The power of the mastermind, which is the coming together of the higher selves of the people in the mastermind, for the highest purpose (i.e. to be aware of our connection to Pure Source even more), creates a powerful momentum that is very difficult to generate individually. Karen harnesses this momentum to help her remove the distortion patterns around this topic