how we roll

Mastering Your World Through Frequencies Podcast

Revealing hidden truths about how the world actually works, so you can optimize your reality.

Episode 69 So, What’s The Story?

The stories we choose to believe greatly influence how we perceive and experience our reality. Learn about the power of story from spirit level, how to separate our essence from the stories we tell ourselves, and how to use story to accelerate ourselves forward.

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Episode 67 Emotions − Agents Of Change

Many of us spend a lot of time avoiding what we consider to be negative emotions. Learn how your higher self uses these emotions to create momentum, how you can consciously use them to accelerate forward, and how they start to shift as your frequency vibration rises.

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Episode 66 The Illusion

When we’re under the illusion, we believe it’s real—but seeing it for what it is can be a game changer. Learn about some commonly held illusions in the collective regarding our reality and how those perceptions can naturally shift as we ascend.

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Episode 62 Spirit Level Street Smarts

Because not everything is as it appears to be, it’s important to hone our intuition and clear our perception so we can see things as they really are. In this episode, learn how to avoid the things that are dangerous and recognize the things that will truly propel you forward on your spiritual journey.

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Episode 61: Declutter From A Higher Order

Many of us think about decluttering from a physical perspective, but decluttering happens on spirit level as well. Learn about decluttering from spirit perspective and how it’s likely different from what you think.

The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) at the end will help you begin to remove those patterns which keep us hanging on to all manner of things, physical, mental and emotional.

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Episode 60: Expectations – The Hidden Stumbling Block

Expectations are the mind’s idea of how things, events, or people “should be.” Learn how expectations can cause resistance and slow us down—and how we can use them to strengthen.

The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) at the end will help you begin to remove the distortion patterns that cause expectations to hijack our experience.

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Episode 59: The Power Of No

Learn why it’s essential to be able to say no, how it helps us to hold our space on spirit level, and how it can propel us forward.

The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) at the end will help you begin to be able to discern your own space and to be able to hold it by saying no (politely AND firmly).

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Episode 58: Not Giving It All Away

Most people are giving their power away in all sorts of ways, and not only are they unaware of it happening—they’re unaware of how it inhibits their spiritual progress.

Learn what it means to give your power away, what it looks like, and how shifting this pattern is one of the most important steps on your spiritual journey.

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Episode 57: Clearing Spaces

Learn about how the spaces you live in hold the frequencies of things in those spaces, how those frequencies govern your physical and spiritual reality, and how to condition your spaces for optimal acceleration and nourishment. The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) will help to begin to clear the spaces you live and work in.

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Episode 56: Can We Get More Done By Being Still

In our culture, the assumption is that in order to be productive, we have to constantly be in motion and checking things off our list. Learn why periods of stillness can actually enhance your productivity, how to cultivate stillness, and how to incorporate it easily into your life.

The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) at the end will help you begin to clear the distortion patterns that keep you from accessing these periods of stillness.

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