“Moooooommmmm… Vanessa’s touching me! You said she wasn’t supposed to cross the line and touch me!!!”

My sister and I didn’t fight that much compared to some siblings, but we definitely had our moments—and at those times I can’t imagine our parents didn’t at least momentarily regret having children.

It seemed like whenever one of us was angry at the other we were always trying to blame them for something.

“You took my bicycle without asking. You didn’t stay in the park so I was all by myself and someone stole my swing. You ate my piece of banana and now I’m hungry.”

The frequency of blame definitely isn’t just a kid thing. We’re all seeing it being played out quite intensely in the political arena around the world.

It’s often an indication of someone’s spiritual maturity and a reflection how high their frequency resonance is.

In episode #106 (Gauging Your Spirit Maturity), Dennis and I talk about the importance of a very specific shift that you need to make to be free of this distortion pattern, how this shift can change how you respond to and experience the world and also how new possibilities open to you as a result.

The free GFC (Group Frequency Calibration®) at the end will begin to help you release the distortion pattern of blame so you can have greater personal accountability and more potential in the frequency resonance you embody.

Without clearing these distortion patterns we can be mired in victimhood and disempowerment for a lifetime.

Here’s to real change!

Let’s rise together,



How you feel, embody, and respond to what’s happening around you — especially when there’s tension or polarization — is a key indicator of how far you’ve come.

When we feel stuck, we often feel like a victim, like our circumstances are others’ fault, like life is happening TO us. Victimhood comes from a lower frequency resonance; your perspective reflects that.

A wonderful shift happens as you clear patterns and your resonance rises. Instead of pointing the finger, you embrace your own role as co-creator in your reality. You realize your personal accountability for what happens in your reality; you feel compelled to look inward to see what’s contributing to your experience of your reality.

As you realize you’re having a significant impact on your reality, your perception of it can shift.

Someone who is relatively spiritually immature doesn’t feel very empowered. But as you clear frequency distortion patterns, you gain distance from your thoughts and emotions — and you can then question what filters might be coloring your perception of your reality.

Finding the weakness within allows you to grow, adapt, and transcend.

This personal journey may give you a higher form of compassion for other people’s actions and behavior as well. You can see their patterns and challenges and realize that you’ve been down that road yourself. You know how hard it is. You can also recognize the challenges a person faces without taking on their burdens.

You may not always hit the mark in your behavior, responses, and emotions — and that’s OK. Instead of beating yourself up, ask what else needs to be cleared. Look within, figure out what caused your response, and ask what you can do to be better the next time. You’re human, and it’s a process.