When I was young I used to love to play outside.

Summer was a great time because there was more time to play and my sister and I were outside A LOT.

We played hide and seek, skipped rope, went raspberry picking in the woods behind our house and went to the swimming pool as much as we could.

The first big winter snow was always awesome too—especially if the snow was wet enough to build snow forts and snowmen.

I was always sad when the snowmen started to melt when the temperature rose a bit.

And then as I got older play somehow dropped away and it was more about sports, extracurricular activities and homework. 

It was fun, (well not the homework part) but it wasn’t the same kind of play that we had when we were kids.

Play is not really encouraged that much once we get past a certain age, but is there something in play and adventure that we’re missing out on?

In this week’s episode (#111), Dennis and I talk about how play and adventure can be much more than lighthearted diversions and how you can use play and adventure to help you awaken spiritually.

The GFC (Group FREQUENCY CALIBRATION®) at the end will begin to help release the distortion patterns that keep you from receiving not only the benefit of the spiritual growth aspect of play, but also the simple joy of it too.

Without releasing these distortion patterns life can be waaaaaaay too serious!

Let’s rise together,



  • People often embark on their spiritual journey in order to get to a certain place — to change something in their lives. And as adults, we’re told that the way to get there faster is to focus, get serious, and get on it. But this isn’t always the case on spirit level.
  • When we get serious, we become goal-oriented — goals are how our culture tends to measure progress. But they can blind us to other, better possibilities.
  • As you do more frequency work and achieve your goals, then you start to trust that something greater is at play, something beyond the control of your mind. And whatever your goal originally was, you’ll begin to see the possibility for something even better to come in.
  • People often get nervous about being playful: they think it makes them look silly or foolish, or that playfulness will take away from the seriousness of their endeavor. But your spiritual journey can be a fun-filled one, even if it starts off serious. As a natural consequence of removing distortion patterns, more of a lightness will set it. Having a spiritual journey filled with fun, wonder, curiosity, and awe — it isn’t required, but it’s possible.
  • Fear sits right behind our goals and our drive to control outcomes. Fear that we won’t get there, that we’ll run out of time before we get where we want to go. Fear that time is against us. Releasing the distortion patterns around certainty can allow a lightness to set in, an enjoyment of the unknown.
  • If we allow ourselves to surrender to play and adventure, realms of the unknown and uncertainty open to us. And being in the unknown allows you to become very present. 
  • Play often seems frivolous, childish, devoid of value. But when you’re truly playing, it not only allows you to enter a field of presence but enter into the world of imagination as well. You can let go of your adult persona. There’s no outcome. It drops you out of the linear mind, away from control, opens the door to a sense of wonder.
  • Play and adventure can be a good measure of your spiritual journey. As you go along, see how your comfort level changes: How comfortable can you be with the discomfort of the uncertainty of play and adventure? You can use these things as tools to practice surrender and become more present and joyful in the space of the unknown.