For this episode’s GFC, click here.

When I had my first part time job, one of the things I’d save up for was going to restaurants with friends.

Back then, the Gazette (the only English newspaper in Montreal) would publish a new restaurant review every Friday. I’d clip out the ones that sounded particularly good to me, especially if it was a cuisine that I’d never tried before.

Sometimes the experience would be as good as the write up, sometimes worse and occasionally it would be even better.

On those occasions of epic-ness, I’d always want to tell everyone I knew about it, so they could experience how amazing it was, which of course would also support the restaurant.

Years later, as an adult, when Chris and I became real estate agents in San Francisco, I expanded that wanting to share and connect people to great experiences, to a broader base of contractors, plumbers, roofers and painters. It was fun for me to introduce our clients to a business owner who was exceptional at their craft and who took pride in it. It was taking care of our clients AND these hardworking, talented service providers who were also good people.

Now, I am so thankful that I am able to offer my gift of frequency work and people want to share this work with people that they care about who they believe it will help. Sometimes though, people aren’t quite sure how the heck to explain what frequency work is all about.

So in this week’s episode (#154) Tia and I talk about the 5 Most Important Things About Frequency Work. Because it gives context for the greater journey with frequency work, this is the perfect episode to share with someone who’s curious about what you’re doing but you’re not sure what to tell them.

We did this because many people ask to have a better understanding of frequency work for themselves and for people who ask them, so we’re hoping that by watching this you can better understand it for yourself and gain some nuance that you may have not realized before.

The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration®) at the end will help you begin to pick up more momentum so you can have more of these five critical things!

Here’s to getting the leverage we need for making fundamental change!

Let’s rise together!



Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a total newbie, knowing the 5 most important things about frequency work offers a “big picture” perspective of frequency work that can give important context to the journey. Sometimes it’s important to take a step back and look at that greater context because it can be really easy to get so focused on the problems or challenges we’re trying to resolve that we can forget the big picture of what is possible.

If you’ve been wanting to share frequency work with a friend but you’re not sure what to tell them it’s all about, this episode would be a great one to share!