For this episode’s GFC, click here.

When we were little, my sister and I would imagine what it’d be like to have a superpower.

I almost always picked being able to fly.

Compared to flight, to my 5-year-old self, every other superpower seemed, well, kinda lame.

I mean, who wants to run really fast if you could just fly?

Superpowers seem like the stuff of fantasy, but most of us don’t realize that we all have a superpower that’s critical in giving us not only the most spiritual acceleration, it gives us authority in our spiritual journey.

You’d think that having authority concerning your spiritual journey would be easy enough to come by, but so many people give over that authority to some guru, healer, or teacher. It’s kinda crazy how common it is.

In this episode, we talk about what that superpower is, why it’s so important, and the steps to make it most effective!

The Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) associated with this episode will help you begin to use this superpower more effectively.

Without clearing the distortion patterns that we’re going to start addressing in the GFC, what we experience is so much more limited than it needs to be.

If you enjoy this podcast, please drop a comment and share a story with me on how this has worked for you.

Let’s rise together!®



Did you know that there’s a HUGE difference in how much momentum you get to experience by doing this one thing?

Most people who want change don’t realize that their active participation in releasing what keeps them stuck is critical. In this episode, we talk about what that one thing is, what a difference it makes, and just as importantly, why.