For this episode’s GFC, click here.

When I was growing up, my parents would take my sister and me camping in the summertime.

It always involved a road trip.

A road trip in my family meant two things.

First, and most exciting, was getting to eat licorice All Sorts. If you’re not in the know, All Sorts are black licorice candies that come in a variety of shapes, coated with different flavored, textured, and colored candy.

This was the only candy my dad liked so that’s what we got. In general, my sister and I weren’t allowed to eat sugar, and road trips were pretty much the only exception, so I was prepared to consume any form of candy when it was available.

I just gnawed off the outer candy and spat out the licorice bit. When you’re desperate, you’re desperate!

The other constant on these family trips was that the driver got to choose the radio station. And since my dad was the driver 99.9% of the time, we’d be listening to whatever classical music channel we could tune in.

As I got older, I always wanted to listen to the Top 40 station.

Patiently I tried to explain to my parents that this was really important because knowing the lyrics to all the Top 40 songs was critical in upping my almost non-existent coolness factor.

Sadly, for my cool-girl aspirations, my parents didn’t buy it. Classical music was supposed to be good for the brain’s development or something, and cool was never going to outweigh smart in their book. Doh!

In general, we take radio stations for granted. There’s one little box in your car, but when you change stations, there are all these options. There’s news, classical, pop, classic rock, alternative, world music, talk shows, jazz, and a million other things. And each one brings its own listening experience.

Did you know that we’re very much like radio stations? We’re broadcasting a frequency out to the universe, and what’s returned, or gets called in is our life experience.

In this episode, we discuss a very different take on calling in the life you want, what you’re broadcasting that you may not be aware of, and—of course—how to change it.

The Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) associated with this episode will help you begin to gain more momentum to shift what it is that you’re broadcasting.

Without clearing these patterns, what we experience can get stuck in repeat mode.

If you enjoy this podcast and know someone who could really use this perspective, please share it with them!

Let’s rise together!®



Did you know that just like a radio tower, you’re actually broadcasting your frequency resonance? And that broadcast is what calls in your life experience—it’s why your life is the way it is.

How high your frequency resonance is dictates what experiences you get to have, how much abundance you experience, and what your life feels like to you.

In this episode, we’re going to dive deep into why, exactly, having a higher frequency resonance matters, how much it affects you, and how to raise it so you can actually create and experience a better reality.