For this episode’s GFC, click here.

“It was AMAZING. All the colors were so vibrant. The music we were listening to was so beautiful, that I literally started crying.”

“But then I started freaking out. I couldn’t stop thinking that my ex, who I hadn’t seen in years, was trying to break into the house and kill me. It was horrible!”

A friend was sharing her experience of microdosing.

She’d been curious about it for a couple of years and more and more of her friends were doing it, so she gave it a try.

A lot of people are experimenting with microdosing. Some feel like it’s saving their sanity. Others just feel better when they do it. And some have absolutely horrible experiences.

In this episode, we discuss the effect of microdosing on spiritual acceleration, the type of person who’d be better off NOT doing it, the benefits of microdosing, and the things that most people don’t even know to watch out for.

The Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) associated with this episode will help you deepen your sense of center so that if you experiment you can find your way back, and if you don’t, you’ll feel more clear, stronger & have more authority in your reality.

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Let’s rise together!®



Microdosing, whether it’s psilocybin or LSD, seems to be the new thing everyone’s trying.

But how much is it really doing? And aside from the trip, what’s the impact on your spiritual awakening?

In this episode we talk about what the benefits and limitations of microdosing are, on frequency level, and what little-known consequences to watch out for so if you choose to experiment you can get the most out of it.