For this episode’s GFC, click here.

In my early 20s, I read three books in rapid succession. The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, the Celestine Prophecy, and the Alchemist. And ever since then, I’ve been curious about what I guess I’d call “the Mystery.”

All the secrets out there. There was so much UNKNOWN!

After I had a health crisis right around that same time, I started searching for something deeper. A connection that I couldn’t even really describe or clearly verbalize.

I was chasing something, but I didn’t know what IT was.

A huge number of different healing and spiritual workshops all serendipitously landed in front of me, and I attended everything that resonated with me, that I felt might be interesting and/or reveal some mystical truth.

It became clear to me after a lot of learning, that even though I was trying to understand the Mystery, what I really was trying to do was what I now refer to as clarifying my relationship with the One.

After years of searching, and as my frequency resonance rose, I realized that my awareness of my relationship with the One was the underpinning of everything.

Heightened intuition, more and more synchronicity, being in flow, opportunities dropping in from left field—and really, more than anything, feeling a deep sense of connection to everything. A remembering of the Oneness.

In this episode, we’re entering into the new year talking about the one relationship that is key to spiritual awakening, the unfolding of the Mystery, and the abundance of the limitless.

The Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) associated with this episode will help you begin to release the distortions that keep you from having a clear relationship with the One.

Without clearing these layers, we’ll always feel like we’re disconnected, separate, and stuck in scarcity.

If you like this episode, please leave us a 5-star review and a comment. It helps others know what’s possible with frequency work!

Let’s rise together!®



Did you know there’s one single relationship that governs how much abundance, connection, magic, and synchronicity you get to experience?

And it’s not your sweetie, your parents, or your kids.

If you want to know how to unlock a MUCH better experience of life and open the door to spiritual awakening, you need to cultivate THIS.

In this episode, we talk about what this unexpected relationship is, why it’s so important, and how to deepen it.