For this episode’s GFC, click here.

In the early 2000s, I decided I’d venture out on my own for the first time career-wise and follow one of my passions. Food.

I’d always loved to cook and after Chris and I attended a super fancy pants, high-end wedding where the food was good but not great, I thought “I could do so much better than this!” And so I decided to open a high-end catering company.

I was really good at running events because I could visualize everything down to the smallest detail. I managed all possibilities and created Plan Bs for every imaginable wonky scenario so that it all would go smoothly.

But MAN, was it exhausting controlling all of those details!

AND obsessing over all the details kept me out of creative flow, which was what I was hoping to experience more of by following my passion. DOH.

If I’d known then what I know now, I would’ve known that I needed to release my fear and control patterns to enter a pivotal state of being that would have increased my adaptability, and my confidence and allowed for even better events to evolve.

In this episode, we discuss this critically important state of being that helps us access true flow, feel stronger and more confident, and is ultimately one of the keys to spiritual awakening.

The Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) associated with this episode will help you begin to release the distortions that block you from entering this state of being.

Without clearing these patterns, we’re always going to be susceptible to feeling out of control and stressed out.

If you like this episode, please leave a comment and let me know what you’ve learned from it, or any “aha moment” you had. I’d love to know. Also, to receive our newest free content, please hit the Subscribe button.

Let’s rise together!®



Did you know that there’s a state of being that shifts your relationship with fear, allows you to access greater synchronicity and flow, AND is the missing key for effective manifestation?

I’m not exaggerating! It’s pivotal not only in your physical experience but is absolutely essential for spiritual awakening too!

In this episode, we explore what this state of being is, why it’s so important, and how to get there.