When I first started on my spiritual journey I was HUNGRY for knowledge.

So I did what many do and started looking for teachers or people who could teach me something “important”.

I wasn’t even sure exactly what that meant, but I figured I’d recognize profound when I heard it.

It didn’t even have to be a teacher per se. If I met someone who I became friends with who seemed to know more than me or who seemed to be able to access something more than I could, I often really took what they said to heart, as true, without thinking about it or questioning it much myself.

They seemed to know more than I did, so they must be right. Right?

Little did I know that this is a sure recipe for giving one’s power away, something that most of us do, almost always without realizing the impact it has on our spiritual growth.

In this week’s episode, Dennis and I talk about how many people are giving their power away, and not only are they unaware of it happening—they’re unaware of how it inhibits their spiritual progress. We talk about what it means to give your power away, what it looks like, and how shifting this pattern is one of the most important steps on your spiritual journey.

The free Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) at the end is the most important part – it will begin to help you to hold your space and your power more firmly.

If we can’t hold our space, we may find ourselves getting stuck in detours we don’t need to, or really getting bogged down with other people’s “stuff,” even if they have unusual abilities or appear to be of an elevated consciousness.

Here’s to strengthening what is already yours!

Until next time,




•   To give your power away is to elevate another above yourself, to put another’s word above your own knowingness or intuition. Many do it with gurus, shamans, or mediums—teachers in the spiritual realm. It’s even implicit in little acts, like the creation of an altar. Many will put imagery of ascended masters or gurus on their altar, elevating them to a sacred status and therefore above themselves.

•   It also happens in everyday relationships: intimate partnerships, friendships, doctor/patient relationships. On spirit level, control and abuse patterns often lead to the creation of this dynamic or one person might just be stronger in terms of personality.

•   Those who give their power away tend to have porous spirit bodies which allows their energy to leak out and other people and things to more easily encroach in an unhealthy way. Other people’s emotional garbage can come in, and entities and other people can hook in as well.

•   As you clear distortion patterns around abuse and control, the walls of your spirit body will become smoother and more intact. Consequently, you’ll no longer feel the need to give your power away, and you’ll learn to better hold your space.  Your spirit body will become a space for just you, your higher self, and your connection to Pure Source.

•   Other people are in your reality, but they don’t need to be in your space. When you learn to hold your space, you’ll have more magnetic pull because you’re clear and bright, complete in and of yourself.

•   In relationships with others, it’s always helpful to ask yourself: Am I giving this person’s opinion more authority than my own instinct or intuition? If something doesn’t resonate or feel true to you—with a doctor, for example—consider getting a second opinion. Weight the counsel of others appropriately with your own knowingness, and assert your authority. This is a form of discipline, a way of practicing self-mastery.