For some reason I’ve always been fascinated by hammocks. To me, there’s something that seems so leisurely about them.

When I imagine a hammock, it’s always swaying beneath cloudless blue skies, in the shade of some beautiful trees or a pretty palapa, on a beach or nestled on the edge of a woods.

To me this seems like the epitome of relaxing, in a spacious abundance of time—you just rock slightly for hours, studying the sky through the boughs of trees and feeling the breeze skim over your skin. 

Who wouldn’t want more of that?

Isn’t comfort what everyone wants? But what happens though when we become addicted to comfort? When it’s what we’re sold constantly as the state we should want to be in?

In this week’s episode (#91) Dennis and I discuss the sinister side of comfort, what it looks like, the common challenges and how to keep your options open.

The free Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) at the end is the most important part. It will help to begin to remove the distortion patterns that contribute to us being lulled into the sleep of the desire for constant comfort so you can continue to have forward momentum (but you’ll still be able to relax, not to worry.

This isn’t a villainization of comfort—just a reminder that it’s probably best as a garnish or a side rather than the main dish in your life!).

Without releasing these patterns, it’s hard to catalyze the change we want to see.

Let’s rise together!


  • In our culture, we’re sold the idea that comfort is a fantastic state to be in and that experiencing any discomfort is not good. There’s nothing wrong with comfort and relaxation, but the challenge is when we become too addicted to it — when we perceive discomfort as something undesirable or scary. 

  • When you’re comfortable, you stay within a small idea of what is known to you. You become docile, relaxed, and everything is in stasis — things don’t actually change that much. You’re not growing or being challenged to strengthen, or become greater than you currently are.

  • What catalyzes change? Among other things, questioning your beliefs, assumptions, conclusions, and stories. If you want change, you’ll have to venture into the discomfort and instability of the unknown, where expansion and growth lie. If you stay in comfort, you’ll keep repeating what you’re experiencing — totally fine unless you’re wanting a different experience. 

  • Having a different experience comes, in part, from personal accountability — from looking inward and having the courage to ask questions. Our stories and beliefs are often filtered down to us from cultural, religious, or lineage patterns we’ve inherited. Examining and questioning help us to stop repeating old patterns and establish a new experience.

  • Social media makes it difficult for us to push into the instability of the unknown, because it reinforces our senses of ego, identity, and comfort. We’re only fed information and ads that are more of what we’ve already signaled we like — so that we’ll consume even more. It doesn’t challenge our assumptions about the world — and ultimately can even foster weakness and polarity.

  • It’s an interesting time to examine these patterns. As systemic oppression has become more visible, this time is about claiming our sovereignty, part of which is claiming the freedom beyond the limitation of what’s known or comfortable. 

  • In our culture, people often don’t want to challenge themselves to learn new things because they don’t want to seem silly. We’re so entrained to the idea of comfort and the idea that we have to be an expert at something immediately, and it reinforces the urge to stay within what’s known. This limits our opportunities, and even the little steps that might lead toward something bigger don’t seem worth the discomfort.

  • But when you have sufficient internal strength to know that you can transcend anything that comes your way, everything becomes an opportunity to learn. It’s easier to break the inertia of the addiction to comfort and move toward passion, opportunity, and sovereignty — toward more of what is possible in the embodiment of being human.