Man, I love to eat.

My whole family does. When I was growing up, whenever my dad went away on business in Europe or Asia, when he got back we never asked him what he saw, we always asked him what he ate. Just a tad food obsessed!

And since I was about 15 until recently, I’ve been like many women, very conscious of my weight.

Back in the 70s and 80s, my father had high cholesterol and the doctors told him if he ate any fat, he would die of a heart attack. The “wisdom” of the time.

Goodbye butter, hello margarine.

I grew up very conditioned to being controlled about what and how much I was eating and how much I exercised.

Everything was about control.

As a result of the control, the obsession with food grew and how heavy I was, very much affected my self confidence and how I felt about myself.

When I “cheated”, I often beat myself up and felt like I had failed.

I wasn’t getting thinner. In fact I was getting heavier and more consumed with being lighter.

Today’s episode is about the difference between true self discipline (from a higher perspective) and control.

Dennis and I talk about the small – but profound – difference between the two.

True discipline gives you choice from a higher place, without fear, which translates into much more ease and ironically better results, versus control which often causes us to struggle and get mediocre results.

If we don’t clear the distortion patterns relating to control, we remain in a spiral of fear, and ironically, a feeling of greater disempowerment and less control.

The free Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) is the most important part of the episode – it will help begin to help you clear the distortions and quicken true discipline so you can make that shift.

Until next time! 



  • We are speaking of True Discipline connected to Pure Source from a higher perspective vs. control.
  • Control stems from fear. The main frequency distortion pattern in control is fear. Control surfaces so that we can feel safe, secure and certain. It is about using our will alone to get an outcome that we think we want.
  • Control is about forcing ourselves to conform to a certain behavior or state because we’re afraid if we don’t, we won’t get the outcome that we want.
  • True discipline is about following the calling of your Higher Self.
  • True discipline stems from a love of Self and is a choice that we give ourselves because we love, respect and honor who we truly are. We’re answering the call of what serves our highest self the best and we choose whether we want to honor that call.
  • As we clear more and more of our distortion patterns, true discipline naturally shows up because you’re not trying to muscle past the distortion patterns
  • As we clear more of our distortion patterns we listen to ourselves more, our preferences change, and we are able to celebrate living at your highest potential. So we choose to live at our highest potential over a momentary pleasure
  • When we remove fear from control, true discipline can emerge
  • It’s not that there is no work with true discipline. It just doesn’t feel like tremendous effort and suffering to produce something
  • When this happens an output of energy is required from us, but it doesn’t feel as heavy as “work” and all of these people come in to help move things forward.